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Discernment of Transmitted Energy

When "playing the game' of energy, we can find that we easily get lost in the moment. And rightly so: energy is a timeless zone where life is found and being is "played". Yet energy can be illusive and misinterpreted because of the faulty (biased) human condition. I hope to be clear that the energy itself is not faulty, but the translation can have some "communication" errors. Therefore, discernment must be applied to interpreting energy - and the energy that is challenged will tell the observer to trust or not trust.

All information is energy. When information comes through, we sense it energetically. More importantly, the information goes through translations of forms. When it appears as a visual, there is a certain brain mechanism that "translates" that energetic information into visual information. Then that visual information starts to carry weight when we see a meaning in it. Visuals in this sense (and other translations of energetic information) are transmitted to our brain to sometimes convey a meaning that has to do with the original information.

Let's say you get an image of stars for a client. The image alone can be interpreted many ways. The person who saw the stars interprets it with a meaning that is their own understanding. The person who the stars actually relate to interprets it with a different meaning. Perhaps it was the way someone signed their name and trauma is involved around that memory, which influences the interpretation. Any related or unrelated impression or memory can alter the interpretation of the energy symbol. Otherwise, who's to say that the person who saw the stars has the correct interpetation over the person who the stars-message was for?

In the energy world, subtle subconscious influences can make a very big difference. While it is important to be self-aware, we can't be self-aware of every little thing - such would overwork our brains. We must rely on something that is found apart from the brain: the spirit.

Spirit is what connects us all, to all humankind and beyond. Spiritual connection is valued in many (if not all) spiritual/religious communities. Why? Because it transcends the human brain and can access information without interpreting it. But you can't exactly utilize the brain to interpret spiritual qualia. It is its own kind of experience which easily gets lost in the form of human language. This is the form of communication we must use when interpreting energy and if it is a direct message of information to ourselves or for others.

Interpreting energy is another whole language. I don't mean language as in a cultural mother tongue. I mean another whole language as in a totally different mode of being. Often we get mixed in the conscious realm of spiritual life, but we must remember that there is also a sub-conscious, an unconscious, and a super-conscious life force as well. Each form of consciousness penetrates different levels of our being, and dictates life outside the "conscious" brain. Relaying information through these (semi-)conscious experiences can be challenging because it is very subtle. Energy information is subtle; yet it is actually so easy to interpret.

When we start putting weight on a thought of interpretation, though the meaning seems more apparent, it actually loses its substantive super-conscious information. The super-conscious information is going to have a value of its essence which is undeniably experienced. When the value is most accurate in experiential form, it must be a personal experience to interpret this energetic information.

Often times when I work energetically with people, I get visuals that hold information for my own interpretation and not for the client's. Actually, not often I get a visual that is to be transmitted to the client. When that does happen, it is a clear nudge in my spirit to do so. When visuals or other energetic information comes to me, I know that my interpretation and meaning of the information is for me. For example, I often feel pressure differences, and I know something is not right within that local system thereof. With the energetic information I perceive, I also translate it and I am confident that the energetic information is meant for my viewing. Based on that "energetic impression" (what I like to call it), I know how to respond using the techniques of energy therapy. What is more is that I am confident in my interpretation because I know that was a visual/feeling for me to interpret for my own understanding.

However, I make mistakes, like every human. And this is where discernment comes into play.  Discernment is a quality that involves the spirit tapping into the information to see how it matches. If it is a match between the original information and the translated information, the spirit can agree that there is congruency between the messages. This is where you usually hear something along the lines of "it just felt right" or "it fits perfectly." Discernment has thus done its job at determining the fit for the information into one's life.

Sometimes discernment will say "it doesn't feel right" or "it doesn't match" and thus we have discernment protecting us from illusive information that could distract one from the truth. I have a hard time saying such is a "lie" but there is a significant weight of trust I put on interpreting a message clearly and purely. Even with pure intentions, a message can still be misinterpreted. So every human must discern for themselves.

Discernment is a function related to the throat and third eye development. Both work significantly in communication and receiving information in energetic form - working together in passing the baton of information if you will. Without discernment, all experiences could carry meaning and one can get trapped in a web of misunderstood information and confusion. The condition of the throat and third eye chakras influence how well discernment is practiced. If you need help making your energy in these areas healthy again, let me know.

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